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using a stability ball to help lose excess belly fat.

Nowadays, a study shows that a lot of people especially women after birth finds it difficult to control the fat belly as well as some men who indulge in drinking alcohol. I am going to show you easy and yet effective ways to go about this situation so you don't get left out where beauty is compared to you

If you want to lose belly fat, exercise with a stability ball. This $20 piece of fitness equipment, which is available at most sporting goods or department stores, may be the key ingredient in your search for a flat stomach or washboard abs. 

Researchers at Sacramento State University in California found that people who worked out with stability boards had twice the muscle fibers in their stomachs compared to people who did crunches alone.  Do a lose belly fat exercise routine with a stability ball.

For beginners, these three lose belly fat exercise described here can help to get you started.

First, sit on the ball and place your hands on the ball for balance.  Alternatively, place your hands behind your head, which makes it more difficult but a better strength exercise.  Slowly begin to roll your hips in a circle towards the right, making small circles and then, as you get comfortable, larger circles.  Do 10 to 20 circles then repeat the exercise to the left.  While it sounds simple, this exercise will be working all of the muscles of the stomach making it a perfect lose belly fat exercise.

The next lose belly fat exercise is called the Seated March.  Sit on the ball with your spine straight and your abs in.  Begin a slow march, alternating lifting the right foot and then the left.  As you get comfortable with the movement, lift the knees higher and march faster.  You can also add a bounce on the ball if you feel comfortable.  Repeat this exercise for 1 to 2 minutes.

The final beginner’s exercise I’m going to outline here is the Seated Balance.  You will sit on the ball with your spine straight and your abs in.  Place the hands on the ball if you are a beginner or behind your head if you have more confidence and lift your right foot off the floor, holding it in the air for at least 5 seconds.  Lower and repeat on the left side.  Repeat 5 to 10 times.  Keep your abs in to help keep your balance.

All of these beginner’s lose belly fat exercise routines have you sitting on the ball.  As you gain confidence with the stability ball, you will begin to do exercises that have you starting from the floor, from your knees, and even from lying on top of the ball.  The manual that comes with the stability ball should describe many different exercises with illustrations to help you get the gist of what you are supposed to be doing.

If you are under 5’1, get an 18-inch ball.  From 5’1 to 5’8, get a 22 inch ball and, for those over 5’8, you’ll want to use a 26 inch ball.

Make sure you look for your next issue soon. We will be talking more about healthy eating tips that will help you lose excess belly fat.


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